Charter Member Program Forum
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To ensure that N-Gage is the best it can be, we need your help. That's why we're allowing N81 and N81 8GB owners to download the application and give us your feedback.

Each week Team Arena, and its amazing team of expert moderators, conduct various events in the N-Gage Arena forums such as Celebrity Guest chats, Trivia events, Tournaments and many others exciting events. Check out the Weekly Events Schedule for more details!

This is a popular thread with new unread messages CMP Prize List! [ 1 2 3 4 ] 39 Moderator claes  2007-11-11 05:13 AM
by jason_w
This is a popular thread with new unread messages CMP Prize FAQ [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 » ] 207 Moderator reiksha  2008-01-31 04:21 AM
by pikon
This is a thread with new unread messages Warranty? 2 david_kinsella  2008-02-12 10:28 AM
by clintonjeff
This is a thread with new unread messages Post Your CMP prize (pics) here. 9 sunnycricket  2008-02-12 08:46 AM
by ambigioz
This is a popular thread with new unread messages The Amazing CMP Phone Race // Post here if you've got your phone!! [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ] 70 jaydrive2000  2008-02-09 03:13 AM
by fuad_siraj
This is a popular thread with new unread messages CMP Prize FAQ [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 » ] 207 Moderator reiksha  2008-01-31 04:21 AM
by pikon
This is a thread with new unread messages How about Errors... 4 jj_doza  2008-01-19 05:37 AM
by r0zm4n
This is a thread with new unread messages Should The Charter Member Program become an annual Fall event? 6 game_hunter  2008-01-18 02:38 PM
by kusia_7
This is a popular thread with new unread messages Community Participation Event Feedback Thread! [ 1 2 3 4 ] 34 Moderator claes  2007-11-15 05:31 AM
by imhenrik
This is a popular thread with new unread messages CMP Prize List! [ 1 2 3 4 ] 39 Moderator claes  2007-11-11 05:13 AM
by jason_w
This is a popular thread with new unread messages What Will You Pick For Your CMP Prize? [ 1 2 3 ] 23 david_kinsella  2007-11-09 12:53 PM
by magurma
This is a popular thread with new unread messages so... [ 1 2 ] 16 zergus  2007-11-08 02:09 PM
by kusia_7
This is a popular thread with new unread messages 30 Devices Idea [ 1 2 3 4 ] 33 david_kinsella  2007-11-08 10:04 AM
by ambigioz
This is a popular thread with new unread messages [Official] CMP Participation Event 10/31 (LOL.) [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ] 60 Moderator claes  2007-11-05 02:33 PM
by sbrasio
This is a thread with new unread messages Dates in the CMP scoring list? 8 imhenrik  2007-11-01 01:24 PM
by slycne
This is a popular thread with new unread messages [Official] CMP Participation Event: Reviews By You! [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ] 59 Moderator claes  2007-10-30 10:24 AM
by mysketer
This is a thread with new unread messages No scroll in my personal list of CMP events? 2 game_hunter  2007-10-29 09:50 AM
by game_hunter
This is a thread with new unread messages CMP Spin-Off: "Cell-ebrate N-Gage, On Your Computer!" 5 david_kinsella  2007-10-29 05:58 AM
by fuad_siraj
This is a thread with new unread messages CMP Spin-Off: Next-Gen Wallpaper 1 david_kinsella  2007-10-27 01:45 PM
by sbrasio
This is a popular thread with new unread messages [Official] CMP Participation Event: The Elevator Ride [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ] 84 Moderator claes  2007-10-27 01:45 PM
by imhenrik
This is a popular thread with new unread messages I bet once the CMP is over, half of the people participating will vanish. [ 1 2 3 ] 22 david_kinsella  2007-10-24 03:12 AM
by imhenrik
This is a popular thread with new unread messages [Official]: CMP Participation Event: "Cell-ebrate N-Gage!" [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ] 56 Moderator claes  2007-10-22 08:49 AM
by congested
This is a popular read-only thread with new unread messages Leaderboard have big wrong!!!!!! [ 1 2 ] 13 cbenlidayi  2007-10-14 12:53 PM
by silvider
This is a popular thread with new unread messages [Official] CMP Participation Event: Trivia Part 2 [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 » ] 94 Moderator claes  2007-10-13 11:28 AM
by selimprince
This is a thread with new unread messages ELEVATOR PITCH SCORING! :D 9 silvider  2007-10-12 01:28 AM
by shadowspawn
This is a popular thread with new unread messages Leaderboards wrong? [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ] 78 game_hunter  2007-10-09 11:27 AM
by theoddone
This is a read-only thread with new unread messages Can We Chill On The Gaming A Little? 2 david_kinsella  2007-10-09 06:10 AM
by claes
This is a thread with new unread messages What are Gold, Silver and Bronze status about? 6 game_hunter  2007-10-08 12:12 PM
by frtachi
This is a popular thread with new unread messages FIX THE TIMINGS PLEASE! :( [ 1 2 3 ] 20 silvider  2007-10-07 05:23 AM
by tone88
This is a popular thread with new unread messages how does this work???????? :smileyvery-happy: [ 1 2 ] 10 juantelle  2007-10-07 05:15 AM
by tone88
This is a popular thread with new unread messages Right you can all stop moaning about your scores! [ 1 2 ] 12 delixe  2007-10-07 05:10 AM
by tone88
This is a popular thread with new unread messages What game are you going to get as a CMP prize? [ 1 2 ] 15 game_hunter  2007-10-07 04:56 AM
by tone88
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