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Using MicroSD cards with greater than 2GB capacity
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Rookie Player
Posts: 7
Registered: 2007-12-02

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I was looking up the best prices for 2GB MicroSD cards so I could store more music on my N95, and take longer videos.  While doing so I noticed that Amazon had a few cards for sale that went up to 6GB.  Plus in the reviews it appeared that they were being bought by N95 owners who found the cards to work perfectly.

Problem is, the number of reviews was still pretty low and I'm a little sceptical as to how legitimate they are, or to what degree the buyers tested them.  I remember that the original N-Gage could take MMCs that went above the supported 128MB limit, but at larger sizes like 1GB, the music player couldn't work properly.

Has anyone here tried using a MicroSD card that offered over 2GB of storage, or know anyone else who has?  If so, were the results good?  Do N95 firmware updates make a difference?
2007-12-11 01:06 PM
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Re: Using MicroSD cards with greater than 2GB capacity
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Rookie Player
Posts: 48
Registered: 2006-05-12

Message 2 of 5

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I've seen people using 8GB cards with their N95 without any problems. In theory the phones should be able to handle 32GB just fine, if those cards existed that is.

The Nokia N95 have support for the SDHC standard, so there shouldn't be any problems. I do know of a person who had problems, though, when she didn't copy files to the phone by using the phone, but rather a card reader connected to the computer, and got problems when she used 3/4 of the card. So it's always safer to handle files via the phone rather than an external card reader connected to the comp.

Don't need the latest firmware for it, but I highly recommend getting the latest firmware anyway, since there are a huge amount of improvements.
2007-12-11 01:15 PM
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Re: Using MicroSD cards with greater than 2GB capacity
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Rookie Player
Posts: 7
Registered: 2007-12-02

Message 3 of 5

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Great news!  In that case I just need to work out when I can justify the expense of an 8GB card, because they do appear to be expensive compared to 4GB and 6GB ones.
2007-12-11 01:25 PM
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Re: Using MicroSD cards with greater than 2GB capacity
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N-Gage Player
Posts: 735
Registered: 2004-11-29

Message 4 of 5

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I'm using Nokia 4Gb microSD card with my Nokia N95. It works great. I've read reports of other ngagers, asked Nokia salesmen and I'm sure, that N95 would deal with 6, 8 and 16Gb microSD cards perfectly!

But I experienced poor peformance of N-Gage QD with Transcend 512M MMC Card. Sometimes QD thought, that I took away my MMC (that wasn't even touched) and closed all programs (i.e. an active game). When I bought Nokia 512Mb MMC Card (it was twice as expensive), all problems disappeared.

So, if you afraid of incompatibility and want to be 100% sure, buy only Nokia microSD Card. Other cards (no matter, how may gigabytes they are) could work, but their testing is on your own. As I already said, they could work for a week, then give one fault, then work for another week. I recommend to buy non-Nokia cards only if you are short of money, and even then buy only cards, that other ngagers bought and with which they are satisfied.
2007-12-12 12:20 PM
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Re: Using MicroSD cards with greater than 2GB capacity
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Rookie Player
Posts: 7
Registered: 2007-12-02

Message 5 of 5

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Good to know.  I'm leaning towards getting a 4GB card because they currently appear to offer the best value per GB.

I've been burned by poor quality flash cards before, so I won't make the mistake of buying from an overseas ebay seller I've never heard of again!
2007-12-16 10:52 AM
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