Long time ago, that Nokia presentation the new N-Gage they say its will use 3D chip from N93 and N95... now we have 4 phones (N93, N93i, N95 and N95 8GB) with 3d chips and ngage platform... so why its not have 3d chip rendering?
big pixel... now
more here:
its will change in the future? or N-Gage will never support 3d chip rendering?
It isn't supported as developers want to sell to the biggest audience. As most people will have the N73 that means no 3D acceleration. I have been saying since the day the N73 was announced as an N-Gage device that you can kiss goodbye to those flashy 3D screens.
As G_H mentioned there is the possiblilty they could patch the games with 3D code but it's extremely unlikely given the obvious lack of effort shown by Gameloft and Glu.
The biggest nail in the 3D chips coffin is the N81 as Nokia are clearly pushing it as THE N-gage device of choice yet it does not have the 3D chip. This could be a cost issue but i'm doubtful about that, I believe it's more likely that Nokia have seen there is very little enthusiasm for the chip from third party developers and thus the chip has now been removed from the mainstream. The simple fact is developers want to spend the minimum of development cost for the maximum return. Making games 3D accelerated would take longer, cost more to make and cut into their profits.
The only way of course to send a message of your displeasure is to not buy their games. But I know most of you will so...
The early promotional pictures from One are faulty, since they are using much larger resolutions than the phonescreens are capable of.
If you run a game in 320x240 you will get large pixels, 3D hardware or not. Using 3D hardware does have the advantage of using anti-aliasing, but I doubt the PowerVR MBX (which the N82, N93 and N95 use) is powerful enough to handle it properly, and don't think it would do much of an improvement in such small resolution anyway.
i think its not big problem, that some Ngage phones support and other not support 3D chip! but i think nokia stop it, because N81 not have and this will be the non + ultra ngage phone.
can sameone say me, why i and all other N93, N93i, N95 and N95 8GB user have the 3D chip in? my phone have high price, low battery and i cant use full power of my 600-700Euro phone (for this i became PSIII and X360)!!!
can sameone say me, why i and all other N93, N93i, N95 and N95 8GB user have the 3D chip in? my phone have high price, low battery and i cant use full power of my 600-700Euro phone (for this i became PSIII and X360)!!!
Just a guess since I don't have any insight, but it seems to me that the main reason for using the OMAP2420 platform in the phones isn't because of the PowerVR MBX 3D chip, but rather the Imaging Video Accelerator chip. To make the phone able to make better videos and that sort of thing. N82, N93 and N95 are the only Nokia phones that can make 640x480 videos at 30 FPS. Of course, it depends on the camera unit too, but they need hardware that is fast enough to process it.
Some really good games could force players to upgrade hardware. We all know it. So there could be a couple of good titles, that will use 3D accelerator just to force ngagers to buy expensive models.
Otherwise everyone would buy N73, and Nokia would loose profit. Someday Nokia could sponsor a good 3D game just to make N73 users think a little bit about buying N95.
These mobile have many other features for the user that cover up that issue. also the flashy screens are no more have to be wached in these mobiles. 3D games could still be played on n95 and n93, I thnk so.
The early promotional pictures from One are faulty, since they are using much larger resolutions than the phonescreens are capable of.
If you run a game in 320x240 you will get large pixels, 3D hardware or not. Using 3D hardware does have the advantage of using anti-aliasing, but I doubt the PowerVR MBX (which the N82, N93 and N95 use) is powerful enough to handle it properly, and don't think it would do much of an improvement in such small resolution anyway.
Message Edited by kazutoyo on 2007-12-1101:00 AM
Quite the contrary actually. The PowerVR MBX uses a unique approach for rendering 3D graphics known as TBDR (Tile based deferred rendering) meaning only the visible pixels are drawn hence saving a lot of bandwidth. Because of this low usage of memory bandwidth, actions such as full-scene anti-aliasing are done with minimum or no cost. If you play the System Rush Demo on a big screen you'll notice that even though the resolution is 320x240 the image still doesn't appear to be pixelated mainly bcuz of the anti-aliasing that is used in this game.
Now I'm guessing Nokia has not ruled out 3D hardware usage in games, maybe they won't use it in the N-Gage service. They can still make S60 3rd Edition games that use the 3D hardware, can't they??
But imo there will be a few 3D games after ngage launch (after first months of test time). Maybe there will be special versions for ever 3D game? Nobody knows.
THe game ONE is still looking FANTASTIC although it doesn't take adventage of a 3D chip (from the Sega Dreamcast). Can't wait for the release in the next days!
Waiting for WWP2.0! What? It's in progress? Of course!
I just don't get it. The screenshots and SRE demo clearly show the use of a GL chip, why ban it out, when it's already been made and implemented? I can understand for future games. but these already showcast are made with support. Doesn't it cost more money to force it out? Honestly, not hearing about a proper landscape mode, banning out GL, what's next nokia? planning to become another laughing stock?