Go to My Pocket Kingdom

To enter the battlefields of Pocket Kingdom, you’ll need the following:
N-Gage game deck or N-Gage QD game deck. Go here to discover the benefits of the N-Gage gaming platform.
For online play, you'll need an account with a mobile service provider that includes GPRS (General Packet Radio Service). GPRS is a service that allows data packets to be sent over a mobile phone network.
For online play, you'll also need an account with the N-Gage Arena. Signing up is fast and easy!

Class: Rogue Slot: 1
Race: Thief
Rank: 4
Move: walk HP: 71
Ability: Back Stab ATK: 30 DEF: 11 AGI: 21
Hit Rate: 44% DEX: 20 WIS: 19 INT: 17
He will remove your manhoods and leave you with little girl screams.

Rated Teen: Language, Mild Fantasy Violence, Suggestive Themes